Ex Machina (2015)

Ex Machina (2015) MOVIE DETAILS
Name: Ex Machina
Year: 2015
Country: UK
Director: Alex Garland
Main cast: Alicia Vikander, Domhnall Gleeson, Oscar Isaac
Runtime: 108 minutes
Production company: DNA Films

I think it’s been quite a while since a movie didn’t take so much control over me -as a spectator- and kept me hooked in the sofa, all senses on the screen, until the very end. And it’s not due to a lot of action, or neither because of a thrilling, breathtaking use of digital graphics… everything in this film comes in the right mesure, and with sobriety, making you feel the plot could be happening at anytime in our real world -and consequently causing a special empathy with you. Starting with the house where the main action takes place, an architecture of concrete walls and impenetrable glass walls (which actually exists) highly contrasts with the surrounding green Norway forest and mountains, where nature runs free.

We are brought to this place following one of the main characters, and again, for greater empathy, knowing (or not knowing) the same as he does. We’ll discover step by step, as he goes on, the research taking place, the genius carrying it out, and the philosophical and moral questions that such an investigation can arise. Until the point of confusion, of personal proof, of not knowing what’s true or good anymore… I don’t want to go into much detail, in case you haven’t seen it yet, but from my point of view, the dialogs and deliberations are of the kind that leave you wanting more (in the good sense). Biblical names are combined with the phrase that gives title to the film, “Deus ex machina” -“god from the machine”-, giving it a deeper meaning for the ones that like to think about the movies once they end. The expression was used since ancient greek theater, and actually refers to that complicated and seemingly unsolvable situation that is finally overcame by the unexpected intervention of god in the story. For me, the story could be the actual situation of humans on earth (feeling superiors, using our power, hating each others); maybe we would deserve a small intervention…

To conclude, for me “Ex Machina“, the directorial debut of Alex Garland, is a realistic sci-fi story, revealed gradually, and becoming deeper, intense as it approaches the end. Simple and complex on meaning, containing some topics, yes, but some good thoughts on survival, intelligence and human behaviour too, with such a personal and equilibrated plot and rythm that made me enjoy it and put it in the list of best sci-fi movies from the past years.

My Rating: 7,5/10

IMDB URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0470752