The Wrong Turn franchise is one of the most prolific and loved by the fans. It almost has everything any horror aficionado can desire: gruesome deaths, young good looking stars, a deranged cannibal hillbilly –not so good looking– family, lots of gore and very little doses of bullshit. Also, the last installment of the series, Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort (2014), left all of us with a very good feeling, the feeling of wanting more of this shit. That’s why after 2 years of rumors, legal issues and the dubiety of what will happen to the series, it’s very good news to see the new episode of the saga is in the works.
It was confirmed by the producers via the official Facebook page for Wrong Turn 7. It was after the continuous inquiry of fans when the responsible for the film share the answer “the script for part 7 is ready. It will go into production this year end. We will update the shoot pics soon. Stay connected on the official WT 7 page”. Nothing about who wrote that script, who is going to direct or any clues about the cast. Of course, after this statement, rumors and speculations are boiling in optimism. More news about this Wrong Turn 7 flick is expected like the first rays of the sun in a dark gloomy winter. If the production of the film starts by the end of the year, it’s to expect it won’t come out until 2018. It is also unknown if the movie will have a theatrical release or if it will be a straight to video product.
In the meanwhile, find here the trailer for the first Wrong Turn (2003) starring Eliza Dushku, one of the first scream queens of the early 2000s. Surely an enjoyable watch: