Woody Harrelson could be Han Solo’s mentor

Woody Harrelson could be Han Solo's mentor

Well, Disney really wants to make profitable the millionaire acquisition of the Star Wars rights! We are still getting the echoes of how successful and accepted by the fans is their first spin-off Rogue One (2016) and they are already in the works of the new piece of the franchise to be in theaters in 2018. Oh, and we can’t forget that in between we are still expecting Star Wars: Episode VIII (2017)!

So straight to the point, the Han Solo spin-off for 2018 is already in the works in pre-production. And the latest and most desireable rumor is that Woody Harrelson could be Han Solo’s mentor. That is great news not only for Star Wars hardcore fans but to any movie lover. And it’s also a good way to shut up the debate of how the hell they can bring a face to portray young Harrison Ford in one of his most iconic performances ever. Han Solo is probably one of the best characters ever existed in film history, and it was performed masterfully in an unique and impossible to mimic way. So people from Disney, is this a very right move to make?

Understandably, a new Han Solo face will bring infinite debates and milions of voices against. But we cannot do anything but to wait and see what the final result is. For the moment and nevertheless, if Woody Harrelson joins the quest, we have one little more piece of hope.