In 2019, the rights for the Terminator franchise will be back to its original creator, James Cameron. So after unnecesary TV series and movie sequels that didn’t work at all neither at the box office nor with the critics, and new and ultimate episode is in the works.
Producer David Ellison is joining forces with James Cameron and Deadpool (2016)’s director Tim Miller to work on this new project. Terminator: Genisys (2015), which was actually produced by David Ellison, was suposed to be the start up for a new trilogy. But regarding the awful welcome the film had, the idea was scratched out. So with the rights of Terminator back into James Cameron’s control, the plan now is to make a final movie that would represent a third piece of a trilogy together with the two original films, The Terminator (1984) and Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), both directed by Cameron.
So let’s play pretend Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003), Terminator Salvation (2009), Terminator Genisys (2015) and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles TV series (2008-2009) never happened. It won’t be a hard time though. The idea of James Cameron being back to end with the franchise is one of the best news that we could have next to the “Terminator” name. So I guess we will have to add this new project to the list of other adventures in which Cameron has been involved latelly. Because he had promised to deliver 4 more Avatar sequels plus he is involved in the very attractive AMC produced TV series James Cameron’s Story Of Science Fiction (2018) (read more about this here). Now, the questions drive to Arnold Schwarzenegger; although he is turning 70 this year, will he return to his most iconic role? And will Bill Paxton have his classic cameo in James Cameron’s movies? I hear all these and I think the future is not as dark as Sarah Connor expected.