It was already known that Rian Johnsoon, director of one of the most interesting science fiction films of the last decade Looper (2012), was the chosen one to take control of the follow-up for Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens (2015). And now, that famous “Episode VIII” has a name: The Last Jedi.
This time, J.J. Abrams stays only as executive producer. So Rian Johnsoon will have all the control and responsability to narrate the story of Luke Skywalker meeting that mysterious character strong with the Force called Rey; a story that he also has the duty and pleasure to write.
Many has been especulated about this new installation of the Star Wars franchise. Specially about the origins of some of the new characters introduced in the latest episode. So the fans, a collective in which here at dKillerPanda World we all include ourselves in, are crazy thisty of answers. After the death of Han Solo and the fact that Princess Leia will be around no more in future episodes regarding the passing away of iconic actress Carrie Fisher, all our hopes stay in who was suposed to be also the hero of the first trilogy. The saviour. Luke Skywalker.
Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Adam Driver, Benicio del Toro, Lupita Nyong’o, Oscar Isaac and for one last time Carrie Fisher will accompain Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in this new intergalactic epic that, no doubt about, is having a second youth. So, May the Force be With You, Rian Johnsoon, the expectations are quite high after Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens (2015) and Rogue One (2016). This december we’ll be our of doubts.