Like every first Saturday of the two weekends the Sitges Film Festival is running, today was the day of the famous Zombie Walk, one of the main attractions of the festival. One of the events were the audience members are the real stars of the show. Since early in the morning, the make up artists were without a spark of tiredness doing their best to “zombify” anybody who dared to get in their bloody hands. Families, kids, older people, locals and tourists, everybody joining the feast of prosthetics and fake blood.
And at 8pm, the Walk started. The DJ playing very loud Rob Zombie while Robert Englund, the best guest imaginable, gave the official kicked off. Altogether with an emotive remembering of the recently deceased George A. Romero. And then, Sitges at night turned into a path of living dead willing to have some fun. No wonder this is one of the most popular Zombie Walks in the world!
Also today was a special day with two big names. First, classic director William Friedkin made a dlightful introduction before the screening of what he called his favorite movie to have directed Sorcerer (1977), followed by a very interesting Q&A session. And then, actress Susan Sarandon recieved the Grand Honorary Award as an appetizer for a special screening for the fans favorite The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975).
But we can dig deeper into the filmmakers that has visited the festival this first weekend at tomorrow’s update article, now let’s focus on the movies watched today.
- Muse (2017) 5/10 – A supernatural horror thriller with a few surprises, but never manages to outstand as something not seen before. Personally I expected more from Jaume Balagueró. [Read full review here]
- Sorcerer (1977) 7/10 – Together with The Exorcist (1973), the second film from William Friedkin from the Classics program of the festival. Another great action thriller from one of the masters of modern cinema.
- The Cured (2017) 4/10 – An amalgamation of cliches. Half the movie serves more like a political thriller than a zombies flick. Still, the movie has a couple of enjoyable scenes. [Read full review here]
- The Ritual (2017) 6,5/10 – A very solid film, with lots of tension, with a perfect mix of humor and pure terror. It holds the tension until the very last second. [Read full review here]
- Hounds of Love (2016) 7/10 – A slow motion kidnapping movie, so well constructed and realistic it scares you from the bone. [Read full review here]
- El Habitante (2017) 6/10 – A technically very well done combination of home invasion and exorcism film, which weakness is the lack of originality. [Read full review here]