Ryan Gosling in a new image from the shooting of Blade Runner 2049

Ryan Gosling in a new image from the shooting of Blade Runner 2049

Empire magazine has released a new photo where we can see actor Ryan Gosling following the orders of director Dennis Villeneuve in the works for the film Blade Runner 2049, for sure one of the biggest name of the movies panorama for next year.

We will have to wait for next October to see the final result, but somehow the few released images and the background of the director (he’s responsable for titles like Enemy (2013) or Sicario (2015)) can bring at least some hope that this title could be an interesting one. It’s hard to believe it will be as good as the original Blade Runner (1982) film, but at this point all we can expect is some faithful piece of entertaining that can bring a few hours of joy but stays loyal to the original. It happened with Star Wars and The Force Awakens (2015), and hopefully this time it happens too.

In the meanwhile, here you can read the full report we did at Ganiveta about BLADE RUNNER (1982 – 2017) and then take your own impressions.

Ryan Gosling in a new image from the shooting of Blade Runner 2049

And if you are still craving for more, find here the teaser trailer for Blade Runner 2049: