In 2015, the action comedy medium-length film Kung Fury (2015) was one of the sensations of the year. It received several winnings and nominations at some of the most prestigious film festivals such as Cannes Film Festival, European Film Awards or Ljubljana International Film Festival. The film was written, directed, produced and starred by Swedish David Sandberg, the mastermind of the Kung Fury concept. The movie was a Kickstarter project that became viral and achieved quite easily its budget purposes, reaching US$630,019, exceeding the original target goal of $200,000, but short of the feature film goal of $1 million.
Crazy as it sounds, this retro-futuristic movie is placed in 1985 where Kung Fury, the toughest martial artist cop in Miami, goes back in time to kill the worst criminal of all time: Kung Fuhrer Hitler. Ninjas, dinosaurs, robots, valkyries, Scandinavian gods, all sorts of barbarians and David Hasselhoff were part of this absurd divertimento that became an instant classic.
Now, David Sandberg is working on the full-length Kung Fury film provisionally entitled Kung Fury II: The Movie. Many of the characters of the first film will be reprised by the same actors, like Sandberg’s Kung Fury, David Hasselhoff’s Hoff 9000, Eleni Young’s Barbarianna and Leopold Nilsson’s Hackerman, but perhaps the most surprising news from it all is the addition to the cast of an A-class superstar like Michael Fassbender (in a role not determined yet). It has been stated that the story will focus on Kung Fury‘s universe with no real connection to the short movie other than the lead character.
LaserUnicorns, the producing company created by David Sandberg, made a big favor to mankind and uploaded the full movie Kung Fury (2015) in HD on their YouTube channel. Enjoy it!