Irish horror “Gateway” is out on digital this week

Irish horror "Gateway" is out on digital this week

Irish horror Gateway (2021) is a crossover between a crime thriller and a supernatural horror. In it, in an ordinary abandoned house, on what could be your ordinary street, a gang of desperate criminals have found something, or has it found them.

In the movie, Mike is a low-level drug dealer in debt to a ruthless supplier. When he and his gang set up shop in an abandoned house, he thinks his problems are solved. But a mysterious locked door inside the house and growing discord within the gang brings old feuds boiling to the surface. As friendships unravel, the house begins to enact its own plan, using the gang’s own deepest dark thoughts against them. Like lambs to the slaughter, the men are lured one by one into the room and there they are confronted by the evil world that lies within themselves. The once-locked door is now open, and what lies beyond has its own desires.

This is the debut feature film of writer, producer, and director Niall Owens after several short films, including the nominated for Best Short Torn (2013) and Animal (2016).

The main cast is formed by Tim Creed, Fiona Hardy, Kevin Barry, Laurence Ubong Williams, Rosie O’Regan, Finbarr Stanton, Joe Lyons, Dafhyd Flynn, John Ryan Howard, Jimmy Smallhorne, Ryan McParland, Ian de Brí, Lucius de Brí, Maria de Brí, and George Hanover.

The movie had its premiere at IndieCork Film Festival on September 19, 2021. Now, it is scheduled for a digital release on July 15, 2022, by Dark Sky Films.

Watch here the official trailer for Gateway (2021).