Greywood’s Plot (2019) is an independent horror-comedy about two friends who after finding a tape of what appears to be a monster journey into the woods to uncover if the video was a hoax.
A struggling paranormal blogger named Dom is on the verge of ending things forever when a mysterious tape arrives on his doorstep. A rare sighting of a classic cryptid sends Dom and his friend Miles on a road trip to find the fabled creature, but they soon find where their loyalties lie.
This is the new feature film of Josh Stifter, who was behind the awards-winner horror-comedy The Good Exorcist (2018), and who also is co-writer and producer of the film alongside playing the role of Dom. His frequent collaborator Daniel Degnan is also the producer, and co-writer, and plays the main role of Doug Greywood in the movie.
The rest of the cast is formed by Kim Fagan, Samantha Kirchoff, Aaron McKenna, Keith Radichel, Max Stifter, and Nathan Strauss.
Greywood’s Plot (2019) has been part of film festivals like Twin Citites Film Fest and South Texas Underground Film Festival. now it is scheduled to premiere on digital platforms on September 16, 2022, from Terror Films.
Watch the official trailer for Greywood’s Plot (2019) here.