Inheritance, a bunch of locations and items suddenly start belonging to you. And, sometimes, at least in the wonderful universe of fiction, some of those material items can be possessed by malefic spirits. And for some reason those entities like to inhabit scary old dolls, I don’t know why. Well, welcome to Doll Face (2021).
In the movie, when the beautiful yet timid Marmalade inherits her grandmother’s palatial condo, there is an odd string attached: she must care for each and every doll in her grandmother’s extensive collection, or lose her inheritance. Quickly, she begins to notice that something-or someone-sinister is at work as one by one, the dolls are found murdered. Marmalade soon learns that an evil curse may be to blame and that she must break it before it comes for her.
Doll Face (2021) comes via SP Releasing and it is starred by Alix Villaret, Steven Paul, Patrick Hogue, Jeremiah Benjamin, Tim Dax, Lenny Rosenberg, David E. Rezaieh, Rodney Coffee, and Yvonne Maverick.
The movie is out on Amazon Prime, VUDU, and Blu-Ray on April 6, 2021. Here you can watch the trailer for Doll Face (2021).