A mother and daughter are accused of witchcraft in “The Curse of Audrey Earnshaw”

A mother and daughter are accused of witchcraft in "The Curse of Audrey Earnshaw"

It has been said before and it will be said again. It is a fact that Robert Eggers has changed the way the occult and witchcraft is being treated in movies with his essential feature film debut The Witch (2015), that wicked New-England Folktale. It is a big mystery to wonder if titles like Midsommar (2019) or the recent Relic (2020) would exist without the evident influence of Egger‘s dark tale. Now, horror-mystery The Curse of Audrey Earnshaw (2020) is another one of the films heavily influenced by it.

Set in a similar period to The Witch (2015), only this time placed in Canada, The Curse of Audrey Earnshaw (2020) centers a devout community suffering from a plague that is torn apart by a beautiful young woman and the forces of witchcraft, black magic, and possession. The protestant villagers suspect a mother and daughter of witchcraft as the disease decimates crops and livestock.

Thomas Robert Lee has been the writer and director of The Curse of Audrey Earnshaw (2020). This is his second feature film after awards-winner science-fiction drama Empyrean (2016). Jessica Reynolds, Hannah Emily Anderson, Catherine Walker, Jared Abrahamson, Sean McGinley, Don McKellar, Geraldine O’Rawe, Anna Cummer, David LeReaney, and Tom Carey form the main cast.

The Curse of Audrey Earnshaw (2020) has been part this summer of film festivals like Galway Film Fleadh, and Fantasia International Film Festival, where it was nominated for the Cheval Noir for Best Film. since this week it can be found in several on-demand platforms like VUDU and Amazon Prime. Here you can watch its official trailer.