The Park (2023) is a thrilling dark journey through a dystopian world where children rule and life is fleeting. A tale of apocalyptic adventure and survival set within a long-abandoned amusement park, the thriller, which occurs in a world without adults, stars an amazing ensemble of young talent.
In the movie, when a mysterious virus starts killing all adults, society is left to be governed by children living on borrowed time. After the adult population is wiped out, rival kids battle for control of an abandoned theme park. Danger lurks around every corner, and they must do whatever it takes to survive their hellish Neverland.
This is the debut feature film of the writer and director Shal Ngo, whose short film The Box (2021) was nominated for the SXSW Grand Jury Award and the winner of Best Documentary Short at the Woodstock Film Festival.
The main cast of The Park (2023) is formed by a group of talented kids and teenagers, most of them already with a considerable experience in front of the cameras, starring Carli McIntyre, Chloe Guidry, Carmina Garay, Presley Richardson, Sean Papajohn, Evan Soto, Nhedrick Jabier, and Billy Slaughter.
The Park (2023) is produced by Vanishing Angle and distributed by XYZ Films. James Emanuel Shapiro, XYZ Films‘ Executive Vice President, has stated that it “is one of the most provocative genre movies I’ve seen in some time. Shal’s debut is one that makes one take immediate notice“.
The movie is out on digital on March 2nd, 2023. Watch its official trailer here.